About ANUERA Animal Nutrition


ANUERA ® Animal Nutrition is a brand owned by Nuera Animal Nutrition Pty Ltd, that produces natural multifunctional supplements for ALL animals. From Pets, to Livestock and everything in-between, we offer a solution globally, that supports the holistic health of animals, ensuring pets are treated like family members and livestock is producing the best outcomes for farmers and end user customers demanding a better cared for animal product solution.

We believe strongly in a holistic approach to animal wellbeing, and this is why we created our multifunctional animal supplement brand ANUERA ® Animal Nutrition. Our natural multifunctional supplements are created specifically for animals using the purest bioavailable ingredients that benefits every function of the animal's internal body systems, not just one. Using this principal, we have created world leading natural multifunctional prebiotic feed supplements for Livestock, natural multifunctional probiotic supplements for Pets, and pure Tasmanian Salmon fish oil supplements.

My name is Anna-marie and my passion has always been the health and wellbeing of animals. I have spent the last 30 years in firstly the Veterinary then manufacturing industries. During this time, I have witnessed the trending new products for pets which are promoted as healthy and beneficial but are anything but. They all seemed ok at first glance, but when I read the ingredients, I discovered they include ingredients that are toxic to animals and cause disease. None of this ever sat right with me.

In early 2018 I discovered an amazing natural multifunctional prebiotic feed supplement that was holistically created over 20 years ago specifically for the livestock industry, manufactured locally in South Australia.

The formulation is a credit to the team of people it took to create it, including veterinary scientists and biologists from Australia and around the world, making it still to this day one of the most advance formulations created for overall holistic health.

I had the opportunity during 2019 to buy the Intellectual Property to the product and its unique formulations. I did my research and heard hundreds of stories of animal's health and wellbeing improving and even being saved after using this product. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was the results were the same for all.

I knew I had found what I was looking for; a natural multifunctional supplement I could manufacture and release specifically for the pet industry that would improve the health and wellbeing of every animal that uses it.

And so, in January 2019 our journey began on the ANUERA ® Animal Nutrition brand and has developed to where it is today, as a world leading, world class, locally made Natural Multifunctional Supplements.

I am contacted every other day asking if I can help with the health of pets that are not getting better using products they have been advised to buy. My ANUERA ® Animal Nutrition products fix the health issues and the extra compounding issues created by these other products.

Educating customers to read ingredients has become a vital key in the education of what should and should not be a part of their pet’s supplements.

I know without any hesitation that nothing in my products will ever harm an animal, only benefit them.

Another trend I have noticed is that companies are bringing to market 5 to 10 products to assist with the different health issues of pets. This can be and is quite confusing for the consumer and also gets expensive. This is why the products we bring to market are all multifunctional. They assist with creating optimal health to the animal’s whole body, which also creates less confusion for the consumer.

I am constantly working to educate consumers on this so that they can make an informed decision when purchasing any product on the market. I do this with my labels, brochures, marketing and am working on various website projects to further expand the message. If you have any questions about what I have and what I am doing, please get in touch via our chat or contact page.

The goal of ANUERA ® Animal Nutrition is to better the health and wellbeing of animals one at a time.

Nuera Animal Nutrition Pty Ltd has issued only one company in Australia a licencing agreement for their brand ANUERA ® Animal Nutrition. This licencing agreement was issued to Aussie Pets & Stock Feed Solutions Pty Ltd and gives them the sole rights to manufacture, export, offer white and label licences and territories for wholesale and retail distribution, promote, and sell direct to the public online and offline. Aussie Pets & Stock Feed Solutions Pty Ltd is a 100% Aussie owned and run manufacturing company in the heart of beautiful South Australia.